for over a year i just put up with it. then i noticed one day that there's just a tiny little sliver of space in between the shelf and the inside of the door. i noticed this when i was pulling off a medicine package label that had been taped to the inside of the door by the previous owners, with clear packing tape. it looked like it was a few years old.
months go by and nothing comes to me. i just know it needs to be thin, clear, moisture resistant and easy to clean in case any of those little lotion samples oozes.
then a few days ago [ok, 5 am because that's when the universe passes out the interesting ideas] i was walking past the shelf in the living room where my blank CDs, DVDs and sleeves for them are.
oh yeah, perfect. folded the flap backwards and used plain old packing tape, just like the previous label was adhered with, to stick it to the door. another strip of tape along the bottom and voila! it's a skinny pocket to hold things on the door.

doesn't impede the door closing at all!
full sized photos available on my flickr "mini hacks" photo set

Nice! I might try this!